Change of Scenery

Since January 2012, visitors to the Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin (Museum of Technology) have been able to see how a dull grey office can be turned into an exciting place for kids: the BMW Group Junior Campus.

The task

To adapt the BMW Group Junior Campus to the educational programme of the Deutsches Technikmuseum and the contents of the “People in motion” exhibition, and to transfer the didactic and creative elements of the Campus to the museum’s former office wing on the “Ladestrasse”, or former approach road.

The reality

Together with the museum educators, we adapted parts of the BMW Group Junior Campus to bring together its format with the extended range of subjects. We have designed the layout and fittings according to the Campus’ architectural and design principles: child-oriented design and the use of sustainable materials. Interior decoration, exhibits and didactically prepared content now form a harmonious whole, the focus of which is on the sensory experience.

The details

Children experience mobility in all shapes and forms in their everyday lives. They’re driven to school by their parents in cars, they use public transport, they go to afternoon sports activities on their bikes, or they re-enact traffic situations with toy cars. To enable them to understand the history of our mobile lifestyle, theory and practice are interlinked. The “Vehicles” programme adds a practical dimension to the museum as a place of learning outside the school environment, and appeals to all the senses of the young visitors.

While exploring the “People in motion” exhibition, children learn about the historical development of mobility. In the following workshop, they consolidate their experience by experimenting on their own and putting their creative ideas into practice. Subjects such as traffic control, protection of resources, methods of propulsion and sustainability are examined in an age-appropriate way.

For the “Vehicles” programme, we have developed a large-format quiz game. Taking up a large area of floor space, the game promotes the group’s team spirit, encourages physical activity and movement, and it provides an overview of what the children know.

Photos: SIMPLE