
Interactive and mixed media. Analogue and digital. Accessible and emotional. Educational and fun. Narrative and immersive. We create the fitting format for our clients, whether brand, institution or museum. We make complex ideas meaningful by creating spatial communication for exhibitions, brand centres, pop-ups, trade fairs, virtual spaces, exhibits and more.

Founded in 2000, we now work with a small core team of concept developers, designers, engineers and project managers in our studio and production facilities in Cologne – with a large multidisciplinary network of designers, architects, concept developers, consultants, site managers, logistics specialists, scenographers, graphic designers, content managers and project managers.

We are driven by the desire to bring brands, products, services and visions to life.

SIMPLE. Inspire with Experience.

Kim Becker
Project Management

Ava Berg

Lukas Waizner

Noelia Pohl Jimeno

Indra Küsters
Project Management

Max Hillenberg
Physical Computing

Yvonne Katzy
Project Management

Jakob Greven
3d Printing

Larissa Wackers

Magdalena Frohn
Creative Direction

Felix Hansen
Chief Creative Officer

Greta Gerlach

Tobias Bendels
Art Direction 3d

Sven Grässner
Head of Production

Tomke Hahn
Head of Content

Eeva Campbell
Senior Creative Direction

Bennett Engeser
Trainee Project Management

Andreas Salsamendi
Chief Executive Officer

Xaver Strachwitz
Project Management

Nicole Bischkopf
Office Management

Gert Wüsten
Design & Construction

Richard Pelster
Head of Operations

Lukas Nicolini

Katja Eckardt

Methodology - How we work

We use many techniques of agile working and design thinking in our project work. In all our projects, we use the Double Diamond, a working model of the British Design Council, as a basis. It divides the design process into four phases: Discover (understand the problem), Define (clarify the problem), Develop (generate ideas) and Implement (realise the solution).

The Discover and Develop phases allow for broad thinking to consider different options and perspectives, while the Define and Implement phases focus on selecting and refining the best options. The Double Diamond helps us and our clients and partners to think flexibly and iteratively and to structure the design process effectively to develop innovative and user-centred solutions.

Spatial experience - experiential spaces

Experiential spaces are created by asking the right questions at the beginning. Together with our clients, we identify the core of the narrative. We develop a motif that can be broken down into a few words and drives the story forward.

The design reinforces the message, carries the narrative and creates atmosphere. Situations and states of space are created. With images, sounds, objects, light, volume, acoustics and also smell. Fortunately, in scenography there are many ways to create an experiential space – we use them all. In our own workshops we can test the functionality and effectiveness of our ideas, from small prototypes to life-size mock-ups.

This is how we use our ideas to make spaces talk and images enter people’s minds. With an intelligent interior and a form that touches emotionally


Consultancy & Strategy

Project aims
Communication messages
Didactic structures
Story telling
Format development

Concept & Design

Trade fairs
Corporate architecture
Interactive experiences
Brand experience

Planning & Implementation

Spatial design & architecture
Graphic design & typography
Interaction & motion design
User experience & interface design


Our interdisciplinary team of engineers, designers, architects, carpenters, technicians, locksmiths and project managers work on an area of around 600 square metres.

We implement exhibits, pop-up locations, trade fair appearances, virtual spaces, exhibitions, brand worlds and much more for our clients from industry, business and culture.



Planning, implementation & management

Technical planning & implementation
Logistical planning & implementation
Project management
Media interfaces
Interface Management

Production & Logistics

Electronics workshop
Final assembly
Storage & Logistics





Exhibit and exhibition construction (f/m/d) freelance

We develop customised analogue and digital experiences for clients from industry, business and culture. Our formats range from exhibitions, brand worlds, pop-up locations and trade fair appearances to virtual spaces, exhibits, events and more.

What makes us special is that we are production and agency in one. From the classic wood workshop with a proper 3-axis CNC to 3D printing, electronics workshop and metalworking, everything is available to plan and realise complex exhibits and exhibition structures. This is where ideas become reality.

You have completed training as a carpenter, joiner or similar.
You enjoy tinkering and developing clever solutions.
You keep an overview and are not easily flustered.
You enjoy working in a team and are flexible.

You are proficient in manual production processes.
You are confident in the world of modern, digital production processes.
You speak fluent German or English.
You have a driving licence.


Write an email to: so that we can meet and you can start as soon as possible!