Open Germany

The competition entry of terrain: integral designs/ simple/ Nüssli for the German pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai has made it into the shortlist of the last five entrants. “We are open” is the message of the German pavilion. Its architectural language presents Germany as an open platform for innovation – even the textile facade with its transparent construction reflects this idea. Architecture, building technology and exhibition form an overall technical and thematic system. German key technologies and innovations are not only part of the visitor experience, they are also used for the building and the exhibition.

Open sources: defining space through climate

“We’re not putting a fridge in the desert!” declared the work group, whose design has taken the subject of sustainability to a new level. Both the building and experience use locally available regenerative resources and local climate conditions. The visitors themselves power the sustainable climate by pumping salt water from the nearby Persian Golf up into the building. This is then transformed into fresh water by the power of the sun, creating a pleasant climate in the entire pavilion.